Our Fraternity Values
In associating with Sigma Pi Fraternity, you have great expectations for the experience before you, just as the Fraternity expects you to strive to attain the highest level possible as a member. Let’s explore further your Fraternity’s expectation of you.
“The Fraternity man should clearly understand and exemplify a code of conduct.”
Can you pledge yourself to the following goals?
- I will respect the dignity of all persons, and therefore, I will not physically, psychologically or sexually abuse any human being.
- I will respect the rights of property, both others and my own; therefore I will not, nor will I tolerate, the abuse of private or community property.
- I will pay all of my financial obligations in a timely manner.
- I will not use nor support the use of illegal drugs.
- I will not abuse or support the abuse of alcohol.
- I acknowledge that a clean and an attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health; therefore, I will do all in my power to see that the Chapter property is properly cleaned and maintained.
- I will confront the members of my Fraternity who are violating the bylaws and policies.
The fraternity man accepts responsibility. He takes ownership in both victories and setbacks. Your undergraduate fraternity experience provides a platform for you to experience personal growth through involvement in a wide variety of activities. Take advantage of this opportunity from the first moment of your association with Sigma Pi.
Accomplishment will polish your own self-image. Plan now for personal success. You will most likely succeed if your goals are clearly in view. Seek out an application for a prominent fraternity or university scholarship award.Complete the application today, making statements that you hope to be able to truthfully include in the application upon your graduation. This exercise will prove beneficial if it fuels a positive direction and determined pursuit of these goals as reality.